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The Future of Network Marketing

Beyond what you might have heard, network marketing most certainly is not the 'wave of the future' for product distribution. Traditional marketing methods are still valid and work well, and in all likelihood network marketing will never completely replace traditional distribution and marketing of consumer products and services.

This isn't to say network marketing is on the decline however - quite the opposite. In less than ten years (from 1995 to 2005) sales generated through network marketing have more than doubled, exceeding $30 billion dollars in the United States alone. There is certainly a demand for both the products made available through network marketing, as well as the demand from entrepreneurs looking to other methods of starting a business.

Franchises have their place, and any traditional brick-and-mortar business will always be around. But the convenience of operating a network marketing business from home, and the exclusivity of in-demand and valuable products only available through network marketing are attracting entrepreneurs from all walks of life - stay at home parents, career-minded individuals with a desire or need for an independent stream of income, as well as the serious investor who understands the incredible personal leverage and residual income that only network marketing can provide.

I don't think it's out of the question to speculate that the future of network marketing will be very bright, however, for network marketing to become the ideal business opportunity in the world's eyes there are many issues that need to be addressed and corrected within our industry before people as a whole see network marketing as what it should be.

I'm inclined to write about the shady marketing methods that so many seem to prefer in their promotional efforts - and this definitely needs to be addressed at some point - but my main concern (and what will literally change the world when the proper concept is adopted by the network marketing industry) is the overall lack of responsibility from network marketing sponsors themselves.

97% of those who get involved with network marketing, fail.

These statistics may be acceptable in traditional business, where the person starting the business often has no clue about how to operate and build it successfully, but in network marketing this is completely unacceptable. A responsible network marketing sponsor should be absolutely committed to the success of those they bring into their organization, yet far too many network marketers simply recruit people into their business and leave them to learn how to build it themselves.

I was discussing this topic with an associate of mine, and she had this to say:

"I know what you mean Korey but a lot of the sponsors don't have the sponsor to show them how to do it. And even if they did a lot of the people getting into the business... ...they really don't want to learn or they just think it'll happen."
I agreed। But it's also the responsibility of the network marketing sponsor to qualify their prospects and make sure they fully understand what network marketing is all about. It is our responsibility to make sure those looking to us for support understand what's necessary for them to become successful - to make sure they're in a position both mentally and financially to start a network marketing business - and if they don't fit the bill it is absolutely our responsibility to let them know this.

Whether it's out of desperation or selfishness or just not knowing better, too many network marketing sponsors haphazardly bring people into their business opportunity without any concern for their prospects. This needs to change. When it does, common sense dictates that network marketing will not only see a huge decrease in failure rates, but will also become an incredibly attractive and reputable business to get involved with.

Beyond franchising, and well beyond any other home-based business. This is the future I see for network marketing.
When people can grasp what network marketing is truly all about, we will all become more successful with our efforts. When people start helping people, instead of hype-ing people, network marketing will become one of the most respected business models in the world. I'm counting the days.
by Korey King
